Intersection Helper
Library of helper functions to test intersections between 3D shapes
This is the complete list of members for IntersectionHelper, including all inherited members.
ClosestPointsLineToLine(Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3, Vector3 p4, out Vector3 pa, out Vector3 pb) | IntersectionHelper | static |
DistanceLineLine(Vector3 lineAPoint, Vector3 lineADirection, Vector3 lineBPoint, Vector3 lineBDirection) | IntersectionHelper | static |
GetPlaneFromTriangle(Vector3 t0, Vector3 t1, Vector3 t2, out Vector3 outPlanePoint, out Vector3 outPlaneNormal) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectAABBoxWithOOBBox(Vector3 minA, Vector3 maxA, Matrix4x4 matrixB, Vector3 minB, Vector3 maxB) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectCapsuleWithCapsule(Vector3 capsule0Point0, Vector3 capsule0Point1, float capsule0Radius, Vector3 capsule1Point0, Vector3 capsule1Point1, float capsule1Radius) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectCapsuleWithCapsule(Vector3 capsule0Point0, Vector3 capsule0Point1, float capsule0Radius, Vector3 capsule1Point0, Vector3 capsule1Point1, float capsule1Radius, out Vector3 collisionPointOnCapsule1, out Vector3 pushBackVector) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectInfinitePlaneWithInfinitePlane(Vector3 planeNormal0, Vector3 planePoint0, Vector3 planeNormal1, Vector3 planePoint1, out Vector3 linePoint, out Vector3 lineDirection) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectLineWithCapsule(Vector3 pointOnLine, Vector3 lineDirection, Vector3 capsuleOrigin, Vector3 capsuleDirection, float capsuleRadius, out float[] afT) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectLineWithInfinitePlane(Vector3 linePoint, Vector3 lineDir, Vector3 planePoint, Vector3 planeDir, out Vector3 intersectionPoint) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectLineWithLine(Vector3 line0Point, Vector3 line0Vec, Vector3 line1Point, Vector3 line1Vec, out Vector3 intersectionPoint) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectLineWithTriangle(Vector3 linePoint, Vector3 lineDir, Vector3 t0, Vector3 t1, Vector3 t2, out Vector3 outContact) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectOOBBoxWithOOBBox(Matrix4x4 matrixA, Vector3 minA, Vector3 maxA, Matrix4x4 matrixB, Vector3 minB, Vector3 maxB) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectPointWithAABBox(Vector3 point, Vector3 minA, Vector3 maxA) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectPointWithCapsule(Vector3 point, Vector3 capsulePoint0, Vector3 capsulePoint1, float capsuleRadius) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectPointWithOOBBox(Vector3 point, Matrix4x4 matrix, Vector3 min, Vector3 max) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectPointWithSphere(Vector3 point, Vector3 center, float radius) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectPointWithTube(Vector3 point, Vector3 tubeStart, Vector3 tubeEnd, float radiusStart, float radiusEnd) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectRayAABBox(Vector3 originRay, Vector3 dirRay, Vector3 minBox, Vector3 maxBox, out Vector3 coord) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectRayOOBBox(Vector3 originRay, Vector3 dirRay, Matrix4x4 matrixBox, Vector3 minBox, Vector3 maxBox, out Vector3 coord) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectRayWithCylinder(Vector3 rayOrigin, Vector3 ray, Vector3 cylinderBasis, Vector3 cylinderAxis, float radius, float height, out float dist, out Vector3 hitPoint, out float distOnCylinder) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectSegmentAABBox(Vector3 point0Seg, Vector3 point1Seg, Vector3 minBox, Vector3 maxBox, out Vector3 coord0, out Vector3 coord1) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectSegmentWithCapsule(Vector3 segmentPoint, Vector3 segmentDirection, Vector3 capsuleOrigin, Vector3 capsuleDirection, float capsuleRadius, out Vector3[] intersectionPoints) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectSegmentWithCapsule(Vector3 segmentPoint0, Vector3 segmentPoint1, Vector3 capsulePoint0, Vector3 capsulePoint1, float capsuleRadius) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectSegmentWithInfinitePlane(Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, Vector3 planeOrigin, Vector3 planeNormal, out Vector3 outContact) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectSegmentWithOOBBox(Vector3 segPoint0, Vector3 segPoint1, Matrix4x4 boxMatrix, Vector3 boxMin, Vector3 boxMax) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectSegmentWithOOBBox(Vector3 point0Seg, Vector3 point1Seg, Matrix4x4 matrixBox, Vector3 minBox, Vector3 maxBox, out Vector3 coord0, out Vector3 coord1) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectSegmentWithSegment(Vector3 segAPoint0, Vector3 segAPoint1, Vector3 segBPoint0, Vector3 segBPoint1, out Vector3 intersectionPoint, out float sFactor, out float tFactor) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectSegmentWithSphere(Vector3 segPoint0, Vector3 segPoint1, Vector3 sphereCenter, float sphereRadius) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectSegmentWithTriangle(Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, Vector3 t0, Vector3 t1, Vector3 t2, out Vector3 outContact) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectSphereWithAABBox(Vector3 center, float radius, Vector3 min, Vector3 max) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectSphereWithCapsule(Vector3 sphereCenter, float sphereRadius, Vector3 capsulePoint0, Vector3 capsulePoint1, float capsuleRadius, out Vector3 pushBackVector) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectSphereWithOOBBox(Vector3 center, float radius, Matrix4x4 matrix, Vector3 min, Vector3 max) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IntersectTriangleOOBBox(Vector3 point0Seg, Vector3 point1Seg, Vector3 point2Seg, Matrix4x4 matrixBox, Vector3 minBox, Vector3 maxBox) | IntersectionHelper | static |
IsPointInTriangle(Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 point) | IntersectionHelper | static |
PointSegmentProjection(Vector3 point, Vector3 segPoint0, Vector3 segPoint1) | IntersectionHelper | static |
SqrDistancePointTriangle(Vector3 point, Vector3 triangle0, Vector3 triangle1, Vector3 triangle2, out Vector3 closestPoint) | IntersectionHelper | static |
SqrDistanceSegmentToSegment(Vector3 segment0Point0, Vector3 segment0Point1, Vector3 segment1Point0, Vector3 segment1Point1, out float closestPoint0, out float closestPoint1) | IntersectionHelper | static |